Dirk Timmermann

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
Dirk Timmermann
Tel.: +49 381 498 7250
Raum: 105
Preise und Auszeichnungen für unsere Projekte, das Team und Studierende
- 2023 European EUREKA – ITEA Award of Exceptional Excellence for I2PANEMA project for “outstanding results in all three categories (Innovation, Business impact and Standardisation)” (M. Nast, B. Rother, F. Golatowski)
- 2023 2nd place Spin-off competition “inspired” (F. Hölzke, H. Raddatz, A. Wall)
- 2022 European EUREKA – ITEA Award of Excellence for OPTIMUM project for “outstanding results in all three categories (Innovation, Business impact and Standardisation)” (H. Raddatz, F. Hölzke, F. Golatowski)
- 2022 Best Paper Award, IEEE MetroInd4.0 & IoT 2022, Trient (with F. Hölzke and F. Golatowski)
- 2019 Best Student Paper Award, RSSRail 2019, Lille (with T. Schulz and F. Golatowski)
- 2018 Best Teaching Award of the University of Rostock (C. Niemann)
- 2017 ITEA Co-Summit Exhibition Award for BaaS-Project 2017, Amsterdam (with B. Butzin and F. Golatowski)
- 2017 Best Student Paper Award, IEEE-NIH HI-POCT 2017, Washington (with M. Kasparick and F. Golatowski)
- 2017 Best Paper Award, IEEE-IEMCON 2017, Vancouver (P. Danielis)
- 2016 2nd place Spin-off competition “inspired” (B. Wagner, J. Skodzik, V. Altmann)
- 2015 ITEA Co-Summit Exhibition Award for BaaS-Project 2017, Amsterdam (with B. Butzin and F. Golatowski)
- 2015 DFG Research Fellowship (P. Danielis)
- 2015 Best Teaching Award of University of Rostock (P. Danielis)
- 2015 Engineering Award of the Chamber of Engineering (P. Danielis, V. Altmann, J. Skodzik)
- 2015 Springer BestMaster Award (E. Schweißguth)
- 2015 VDI Study Award (H. Puttnies)
- 2014 Jungius Award for best Ph.D. thesis at University of Rostock (P. Danielis)
- 2013 Prof. Werner Petersen Award (most highly endowed award for graduates in computer science and engineering in Northern Germany to M. Rethfeldt and E. Schweißguth)
- 2013 Ludwig Bölkow Young Researcher Award (R. Gubitz)
- 2012 Jungius Award for best Ph.D. thesis at University of Rostock (C. Cornelius)
- 2011 Venture Cup Research and Spin-off competition (with G. Moritz for „µSOA“)
- 2011 Best Paper Award, SENSORCOMM 2011, Nice (with R. Behnke, J. Salzmann, P. Gorski)
- 2011 Best Paper Award, ICIMP 2011, St. Maarten (with P. Danielis, J. Skodzik, T. Bahls, D. Duchow)
- 2011 Research competition Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (with P. Danielis, C. Cornelius, J. Rohrbeck for „ReTrO-Net”)
- 2010 Venture Cup, Mentor of the year
- 2010 Venture Cup Research and Spin-off competition (with D. Lieckfeldt for „PerLoc“)
- 2009 Venture Cup Research and Spin-off competition (with E. Zeeb for „PipesBox“)
- 2010 Prof. Werner Petersen Award (C. Lerche)
- 2010 Best Paper Award, Human Systems Interaction HIS 2010, Rzeszow (with P. Gorski, F. Golatowski, R. Behnke, C. Fabian, K. Thurow)
- 2009 Prof. Werner Petersen Award (M. Gag)
- 2008 European EUREKA – ITEA Achievement Gold Award for LOMS project (“Local Mobile Services”) (with F. Golatowski, H. Bohn, A. Bobek, E. Zeeb, S. Prüter, G. Moritz)
- 2007 Best Paper Award, MEMICS 2007, Znojmo (with S. Kubisch and E. Heinrich)
- 2007 Richard Siegmann Medal for “Innovative Projects in Scientific Communication” (B. Krumpholz)
- 2007 Best Teaching Award of Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- 2007 Ludwig Bölkow Young Researcher Award (J. Schulz)
- 2007 Communication Award of Night of the Sciences (J. Salzmann, R. Behnke, D. Lieckfeldt, J. Schulz, P. Danielis, J. You, C. Cornelius)
- 2006 European EUREKA – ITEA Achievement Gold Award for SIRENA project (“Service Infrastructure for Real-time Embedded Network Applications“) as “outstanding contribution to integrate greater intelligence into small devices“ (with F. Golatowski, H. Bohn, A. Bobek, S. Prüter, and E. Zeeb)
- 2006 Ludwig Bölkow Young Researcher Award (C. Cornelius)
- 2006 venturesail Research and Spin-off competition (F. Grassert, M. Handy for “Wireless Monitoring System”)
- 2006 venturesail Research and Spin-off competition (F. Golatowski for “SINUS – Service Infrastructure for Networkless Ubiquitous Systems”)
- 2006 Special Award of Business Plan Competition „Einfach anfangen“ of State Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (with F. Grassert, M. Handy)
- 2006 3rd place in European Championship Robocup, Small Size League (with F. Golatowski, S. Prüter, G. Moritz, C. Fabian, H. Burchardt, F. Sill and many others)
- 2006 8th place in World Championship Robocup, Small Size League (with F. Golatowski, S. Prüter, G. Moritz, C. Fabian, H. Burchardt, F. Sill and many others)
- 2004 4th place in German Open Championship Robocup, Small Size League (with F. Golatowski, S. Prüter, G. Moritz, C. Fabian, H. Burchardt, F. Sill and many others)
- 2004 Ludwig Bölkow Young Researcher Award (F. Reichenbach)
- 2004 2nd place Microsoft Tablet PC Student Challenge (H. Michelsen, F. Krüger, C. Lange, G. Söllig, H. Bohn)
- 2002 Ludwig Bölkow Young Researcher Award (S. Flügel)
- 2000 Ludwig Bölkow Young Researcher Award (M. Schmalisch)
- 1998 XILINX Student Design Award (R. Hecht, C. Wiencke)